Tut..tutttt.... Just got back home. Lepas took bath memang lega but got to go to Seksyen 18 for some errands afterwards. Ole-ole Shopping Center, wait for me. Haaa...today's Wednesday and I'm so ready for a movie tonight. Stealing a little bit of my time just to share with you guys about something that catches my mind. Refer post title okey...Here we go...
Do you agree guys?? Haha..okey2 this is not the only thing that i wanna share actually. scroll down for more k...
Some people say:
Girlfriend is HARI HARI MAHU
And some say:
Wife is like TV, Girlfriend is like Handphone (HP)
At home watch TV, Go out bring HP.
No money sell TV. Got money change HP.
Sometimes enjoy TV but most of the time play with HP.
TV free for life but HP, if you don't pay, the services will be terminated.
TV is big, bulky and most of the time old but HP is cute, slim, curvy and very portable at any time.
Operational cost for TV is often acceptable but for HP is high and often demanding.
Most Important, TV got remote but HP don't have.
Got confused of which one to choose better?
Read some more:
TV do not have virus but HP have VIRUS......
Once get it, HABIS LAH.
So better choose TV lah....
Ok serious part. Does any of you have even had the idea why few husbands tend to have girlfriend@girlfriends outside? To be exact...special girlfriend@mistress? Bored maybe kan.... Just a thought xda kena mengena dengan yang hidup ataupun yang mati.
Cheers my frens!!!!!
To husbands who happen to have someone outside, shame on you. You should talk to your wife no matter what that is that bother you. You should be more responsible. After all, you are the leader of the family... How do you even teach your kids about morale when you are the one who should learn some. Remember your vow man...
To husbands who happen to have someone outside, shame on you. You should talk to your wife no matter what that is that bother you. You should be more responsible. After all, you are the leader of the family... How do you even teach your kids about morale when you are the one who should learn some. Remember your vow man...
then the tv pun bored mo layan the same 'tuan'.. dia pun mo cari entertainment lain, buli ka? nda buli kan?
tu la baitu... kalau pempuan buat kecoh dunia kan... bottom line love & loyalty must be there..
hehe mcm tu ka kak? aiya.. ini mcm kena ingat diri juga sebagai pompuan bujang, mau cari boifren... agak2 la.. jgn sangkut kan hati dengan suami rang. kawin nanti kena balik btg hidung tau hehe
My experience is the other way round,the tv looks for a new owner!
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